It’s go time!

Well, my world got rocked a couple days ago when I received a phone call. It was the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance! They were calling to schedule my arrivial date. I was a little shocked when she told me that’s what she was calling for. This has always just been something that we knew was coming but always seemed like it may never happen. But, it’s actually happening. July 7th will be the start of a long road to getting my life back to normal.

The first two weeks will be the busiest. The first day, we meet the team that will basically be with me the whole time, get a tour of the place, and start some testing. During the first two weeks between appointments, I will be doing a series of testing to make sure everything else in my body is working properly. The second day, we will be going over all the transplant plans and schedules, and making sure everyone is on the same page with how things are going to work. The third day, I will have another bone marrow biopsy so they have the most up to current tests and know what they are working with. If everything goes well and there are no issues, I will start a 5 day chemo on July 25th and then my transplant would happen on July 31st! Of course, these dates can vary pending on results and how things happen… but regardless, it’s happening! By the time I start chemo is when we need to be living down in Seattle. We have to be within 30 minutes of the facility, and currently we are right on the cusp and about 45 minutes away. We have to live down there because after transplant, I will need to be monitored for a minimum of 100 days, and that’s if everything goes well and I don’t catch any infections. So best case scenario, we will be in Seattle the end of July thru October. I hope I’ll be home no later than Thanksgiving. So fingers crossed!

I can’t say I’m not scared, cause I am absolutely terrified. But I am also excited that we finally have a light at the end of the tunnel and know when to expect things to happen. It’s going to be a rough 3-4 months, but I got this. I have to! I have too much to live for and I can’t wait to see what life will be like after I fight like hell to get this shit disease out of me!

Anyway, this 4th of July has to be the best! Cause 3 days later… It’s go time! Let’s. Do. This!

I also wanted to give a husband brag. Sorry about it. Tyler has been nothing less than amazing! I really don’t know what to say. So that’s that. Kidding, but he goes to work every day for 8-10 hours, will stop anywhere that we need, go grocery shopping, pick up food, run around to multiple places if needed. Who wants to do that after work? I know I sure hated it and would complain. But he doesn’t. (at least to me 😉 ) Then he will come home and work in the yard, or try to pick up the house, or not leave me alone about if I need anything. He has been my rock since we found out about this stupid disease that I have, and I couldn’t thank him more for that. Nothing like living our 1st year of marriage like this, but hey this is what makes us stronger and we will continue to do this for years to come! Love you, Punkin.

My friends, father and in-laws, have been so great as well. Always checking in and making sure I am okay and I know they would do anything for me if I asked, but I am too damn stubborn. 🙂 It’s really great to have such a huge support system. I have no doubt I won’t get thru this because of all the love that I have around me. I couldn’t thank you all enough for that. It really does a lot for someone. So, thank you. Thank you so much!

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